Mizzone & Testa, P.A.
Counselors at Law

Mizzone & Testa, P.A. is a full service, general practice law firm with a reputation of excellence and results in New Jersey, New York and the Federal Court System. Our mission is to deliver excellent legal services, individual attention to each client and prompt responses to the questions and issues presented.
We understand the importance of working with a law firm that is capable of handling a client’s diverse and growing needs. As our clients' goals are defined, we work with them to develop and implement the strategies best suited to achieve their desired results. In every instance, we strive to assure that our clients' objectives are pursued in an aggressive, imaginative and cost-effective manner.
Our attorneys are committed, experienced lawyers who take our responsibilities seriously, knowing that the results we achieve for our client will have lasting impact on their lives. We emphasize communication with our clients, persistent advocacy, and attention to all aspects of their case. Regardless of the size of the case, our commitment is to obtain a just result for each of our clients.
If you are looking for a law firm with a proven record of success where you will be personally represented during all phases of the attorney-client relationship, then please contact Mizzone & Testa, P.A. today.
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should personally consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

New Jersey Office
245 Paterson Avenue
Little Falls, NJ 07424
Phone: (973) 785-8887
Fax: (973) 785-0950
New York Office
520 White Plains Road
Suite 500, Room 5082
Tarrytown, New York 10591
Phone: (914) 779-5388
Fax: (973) 785-0950
Email: law@mfmlawfirm.com